Thursday, February 24, 2011

Priya Weds Sathya

We might miss your presence, but not your blessings.

note: The password for viewing the live video is "mrwedsmrs" without double quotes.

Sathya & Swarna

Soon we will be uploading our wedding Pics and Videos.


Sathya & Priya

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are we weak or this Universe stable?

1.Life started billions and billions after formation of this universe
2.We evolved after billions and billions after the first life or lives started in this universe
3.Each and every laws of physics, chemistry, maths, etc., of this universe are incorporated into this deadly, complex, self procreating machine -The Life and Living body, since billions and billions of years

--------> The Universe is so stable in its form or so slow that it has been a boon for life and evolution to occur.

4.If suddenly Mother Earth changes its position from solar system by just few kilometers,
a)will this life form survive?
b)If no, will such a small move end all these evolution and life which has taken billions of years come to an end suddenly?

-------> Are we so weak, even unable to survive such a small move?

Do we exist in Wave forms?

1.It is said that all matter in this universe also exists in its own wave form in certain condition(s).
2.Do this human body or in general all living beings have their own wave forms?
3.If yes, i would like to see/feel my own wave form..
4.Will it be possible for me to see/feel my own wave form? or am i cursed in this universe not to perceive both my material and wave form at a same time?
5.If wave forms exists, is it how prayers or blessings or black magics or evil curses work? (Superstitions / Supernaturals = thoughts / phenomenon which still have not been proved by Science)

Gravity & Electromagnetism

1. When life started there was THE Gravity and THE Electromagetism in this UNIverse (still we have to believe that there's only one, but there can be MULTIverse also!!!)
2.If by combination or permutation, we try to remove these Mother Gravity and/or Electromagnetism from our life....can we still survive?
3.Will that human being or life formed in such a GravityLess and/or in Non-Electromagnetic environment be superior in Intelligence and Power than ourselves?
4.Can the present life or humans become Gods for such a LIFE and MULTIverse?...!!!!!!